To find and download data from the US Census Bureau go to
Search for the survey
ACS Demographic and Housing Estimates
or table DP05
Select the table DP05
Select the product 2018: ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles
Only the 5-year estimates have census tract and block group level data.
Click customize table.
Set Geos
to select a geographic region and level of detail.
Select Tract
, within New York
, all census tracts within New York
Then Download the table as a csv
for 2018.
Survey: ACS DEMOGRAPHIC AND HOUSING ESTIMATES Survey: ACS Table ID: DP05 Product: 2018: ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles Geo: Geography: Tract Tract: New York Within: all census tracts within New York Download as csv
TIGER/Line shapefiles Year: 2018 Layer type: Census Tract Submit State: New York
Add nypp
Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer Opens Data Source Manager | Delimited Text File name: D:\nyc\census\NYPD_Arrests_Data__Historic_.csv File Format: CSV Record and Field Options: Check: First record has field names Check: Detect field type Point Coordinates: X field: X_COORD_CD Y field: Y_COORD_CD Geometry CRS: Project CRS: EPSD 2263 - NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS)
Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer Opens Data Source Manager | Delimited Text File name: D:\nyc\census\NYPD_Hate_Crimes.csv File Format: CSV Record and Field Options: Check: First record has field names Check: Detect field type Check: No Geometry
Processing Tools > Vector General > Join Attributes by Field Value NYDP Hate Crimes
Input layer: nypp Table field: Precinct Input layer 2: NYPD_Hate_Crimes Table Field 2: Complaint Precinct Code Join type: one to many