ISPRS 2016

Tangible Landscape

Cognitively grasping the flow of water

Brendan Harmon, Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras, Helena Mitasova, & Ross Meentemeyer

Tangible Landscape

A tangible user interface powered by open source GIS

Tanigble interaction with GIS

With Tangible Landscape you can hold a GIS in your hands - feeling the shape of the earth, sculpting its topography, and directing the flow of water.


An evolution of Illuminating Clay and the Tangible Geospatial Modeling System

Piper, Ben, Carlo Ratti, and Hiroshi Ishii. 2002. “Illuminating Clay: A Tangible Interface with Potential GRASS Applications.” In Proceedings of the Open Source GIS - GRASS Users Conference 2002. Trento, Italy.

Image source: MIT Media Lab

L. Tateosian, H. Mitasova, B. A. Harmon, B. Fogleman, K. Weaver, and R. S. Harmon, “TanGeoMS: tangible geospatial modeling system.,” IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1605–12, 2010.


Tangible Landscape couples a digital and a physical model through a continuous cycle of 3D scanning, geospatial modeling, and projection


A collaborative environment for tangible freeform modeling, object detection, real-time geospatial analytics, 3D rendering, and immersion / VR

Intuitive scientific modeling with Tangible Landscape

Tangible Landscape is designed to enable a rapid iterative process of observation, hypothesizing, testing, and inference

Research aim

How do 3D tangible interfaces for GIS mediate spatial thinking about landscape processes like water flow?

Research questions

  • Can users offload the cognitive work of understanding and shaping topographic form onto the body?
  • Can users dynamically explore how topographic form influences landscape processes?


Participants were asked to sculpt a given landscape in 10 minutes using a) a digital modeling program and then b) Tangible Landscape's water flow analytic

Their perfomance was assessed using cellular statistics and hydrological simulation


Terrain editor

3D modeling program designed for intuitive terrain sculpting

Tangible Landscape

Water flow analytic

Water flow simulation

A path sampling technique for solving the shallow water flow continuity equation

Implemented in GRASS GIS as the module r.sim.water


a) The reference landscape, b) the mean of digitally sculpted models, c) and the mean of tangibly sculpted models

Water flow

Water depth on a) the reference landscape, b) the mean of digitally sculpted models, c) and the mean of tangibly sculpted models

Difference in water flow

The difference between the reference water depth and a) itself, b) the mean water depth of digitally sculpted models, c) and the mean water depth of tangibly sculpted models


The depth of depressions in a) the reference landscape, b) the mean of digitally sculpted models, c) and the mean of tangibly sculpted models

Percent cells with depressions



Digital modeling

Participants focused on making streams lower than their surroundings, rather than directing continuous flows

  • Diffuse water flow
  • Extensive pooling in depressions


Tangible modeling

While most participants did not clearly understand how topography directs water flow at first, they began to learn about curvature and continuity with the aid of the tangible interface

  • More accurately replicated the flow of water over the study landscape
  • More flow in stream channels
  • Less pooling in depressions
  • The spatial distribution of water flow more closely fit the reference


We observed participants using an iterative modeling process with the tangible interface:

  • Sculpting
  • Studying the updated water flow simulation
  • Critiquing the form of their model
  • Continuing to sculpt


Seeing the water flow simulation update in near real-time enabled participants to generate hypotheses, test hypotheses, and draw inferences about the way that water flows over topography.

As one participant said, `seeing the flow takes away the mystery of topography.'

Open source | Open science

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Tangible Landscape plugin for GRASS GIS

GRASS GIS module for importing data from Kinect v2

Repository with experiment instructions, scripts, data, and results

Experiment repository on Open Science Framework

Future work

Learn more

Read our book or visit our website at and give it a try